Owner: Xu Wei qiang
Initiator of Deconstructionism Art http://blog.artintern.net/blogs/folders/xuweiqiang
Product: Deconstructionism Art

A Short Introduction:
A great artist who created his work purely in his own style.
His workplace and gallery is based in the center of M50. Mr. Xu began his career as a teacher teaching in Art academy for many years, sharing his talents as an artist. Finally he created his own art style called “Deconstructionism art” that later becomes known throughout the world. He has also been invited to present his work in many Art exhibitions.
Our group were honoured to be able to have a short interview with Mr. Xu and below is the summary of the interview.
Values: By creating his original style of work that gain appreciation from the community
Marketing Activities: By attending interviews, presenting work at exhibition and using internet to market his work
Competitors: According to the interview there are already some artists following his style of art but he feels that every pieces of art is different and thus it is more like competing with yourself to creat a great piece of work instead of external competition